Since working together with TMI we have seen significant uplifts in new customers acquisition volumes and efficiencies. TMI’s data driven and analytical approach to Paid Search, as well as their prowess in terms of execution of campaigns and tests have been pivotal in attaining positive results within a short period of time.
The objective for this client was to decrease overall CPAs whilst maintaining both registration and activation volumes.
Account Restructure
The immediate challenges were identifying where to “cut the fat” (inefficiencies), what keywords were worth incorporating into the restructured account builds and to make sure we were not losing significant registration and activation volumes during this migration. This involved gauging search volumes across different countries in various languages, using historical performance metrics, and carrying out constant search query reports in order to condense and optimise our coverage. Throughout this process, we used a combination of DS positional and CPA bid rules customised for each category (brand/generics/others), in conjunction with the insights of manual intervention. Additionally, we expanded our language coverage and migration across accounts. We approached the restructure by assigning priority to their top 2 EMEA countries and then focused on the remaining countries. We have also restructured the worldwide brand campaign, which allows us to be visible in low priority countries in order to pick up incremental activations. When restructuring the accounts, we revised ad copy variations, created new sitelink extensions, and greatly condensed the amount of campaigns.
Quality Score Monitoring
The weekly Adwords Quality Score script we have set up automatically populates an online spreadsheet to notify us of any changes (positive or negative) in Quality score. This allows us to circumvent the issue of only the current QS being displayed in the engine.
- Label Core Gen & Comp KW We’ve labelled the highest spending generic and other KWs in the last 30 days in the UK account.
- Review current ads We then analyse & tweak the ad copy to be as relevant to the keyword and landing page as possible.
- Gather data Allow the updated copy to gain click volumes to retrigger Google’s QS algorithm.
- Gauge changes in QS Since adopting this continuous QS strategy, we have improved our scores for several core generic terms, such as [transfer money] & “transferring money”.
Countdown Adcopy
We pushed Azimo’s birthday offer of no transaction fees across high volume Brand & Generic campaigns in the UK & DE accounts for the duration of the offer. Instead of simply trialling a few variations of the same offer, we instead opted to a/b test a static offer as well as a dynamic countdown offer variation in order to determine which lead to greater efficiencies. The Countdown offer had a superior CTR than the static offer copy, and performed at a significantly more efficient CPA and CPR. Once we were confident in the statistical significance in performance of the Countdown offer variation, we paused off static copy variation. As expected, the closer the date to the offer’s end, the higher the amount of activations, registration and in particular, repeat transactions we delivered. This suggests that the growing urgency in the copy (e.g. This offer ends in 1 day!) enticed users to act sooner rather than later.
- -33% Reduction in Cost Per Action
- 13% Increase in Activations
- -26% Decrease in Avg. Cost Per Clicks